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Reptilian Small

Starting at: $60.00

Available exclusively at Exotic-Erotics.com!


Reptilians are assumed to be standoffish loners from their appearance and their tendency to live in the swamplands far from civilization. In fact they're a warm and cheerful people despite their cold-blooded nature. Being cold-blooded, a majority of a Reptilian's day is spent basking in the sun to stay warm. Some Reptilians have found a novel and enjoyable way to speed this process by having sexual liasons with warm-blooded species.

The reptilian is a girthy toy with sweeping curves featuring scale texture on the top and interlocking plates on the bottom, making for a drastically different sensations depending on it's orientation.




Total length: 6.00 in.
Usable length: 4.75 in.



  Diameter Circumference
Tip 1.77 in. (4.49 cm) 5.60 in. (14.20 cm)
First Ridge 2.02 in. (5.16 cm) 5.98 in. (15.20 cm)
Mid-Shaft 1.56 in. (3.97 cm) 5.07 in. (12.90 cm)
Second Ridge 1.90 in. (4.82 cm) 5.51 in. (14.00 cm)

 A measurement chart comparing all of the sizes can be found Here! 

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  • Shipping Weight: 0.7lbs
  • Manufactured by: Exotic-Erotics

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